Become the Participant of Project
“Women for Peace in South Caucasus”

The regional project Women for Peace in South Caucasus is open for all as long as one supports the idea of stable and long-lasting peace. 

The idea of the project is to form a forum. The main mission of the forum is to make the voice of peace more present especially in the South Republic states, namely Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia. You don’t have to be a citizen of Armenia to participate in the making of the forum. If you live in Armenia, you are welcome.

The organiser of the forum is the German nonprofit EuroKaukAsia, by the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Germany.

There have already been meetings in Tbilisi and Baku. We plan to organise a meeting in Yerevan by the end of January. A couple of professors from Georgia will participate in the meeting in Yerevan, too.

Meetings in Tbilisi and online zoom meetings are planned, too. We will be discussing the situation of women in war, as well as topics regartding the perspectives of regional peace.

Both women and men can apply. There are no age restrictions: both students and staff are welcome to participate and benefit.

The participants are selected based on their motivation. Please fill in this short survey (10 questions only, including your name, email etc): 

You are welcome to contact the coordinator in Armenia, Sevak, via Viber or Telegram:. +37444838858

You are welcome to join our Facebook group: Диалог-Форум Кавказских Женщин за Мир в Кавказе

The survey can be opened via the QR code, too.